順豐快遞國際收費價格表圖-DHL電池信填寫模板-Lithium Batteries declaration
DHL電池信填寫模板-Lithium Batteries declaration
Shipper name, address and telephone number with Company Letter Head信頭添加發件公司抬頭To whom it may concern ,House Air Waybill No.: 填入DHL/UPS單號Destinations:填入目的地名稱MSDS/document NO.: 填入MSDS/其他隨貨文件號MANUFACTORY :填入工廠的名稱Declaration for lithium Cells /Batteries shipped as “ not Restricted “ Cargo We hereby certify that the above captioned shipment can be shipped as “ Not Restricted “ in accordance with the current edition of IATA-DGR1, Description of Goods :填入貨物詳細品名即Lithium+電池類型(比如:ion/metal Batteries)2, This consignment does not contain any defective batteries .3, This consignment have been packed in compliance with Section 2 of 填入所屬包裝類型PI code 如PI 965、966、967、968、969、9704 , Handle with care .Flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged.5, If any event of the package found damaged .please follow the special procedures :On land : place material into suitable containers and call local fire/police department In water : if possible .remove from water and call local fire/ police department For any additional information or emergency contact , please contact tel :填入發生事故的緊急聯系電話(Authorized Signature with company stamp )Name : 簽署人手簽全名(包括姓和名)Title :填入簽署人職位(需主管級以上)Company Stamp發件公司蓋章: 鄭重聲明:本文版權歸原作者所有,轉載文章僅為傳播更多信息之目的,如作者信息標記有誤,請第一時間聯系我們修改或刪除,多謝。